新年快樂 2024

Chinese New Year 2024

🎉 Celebrate the Lunar New Year with Traditional Delights! 🧧

Welcome the Year of the Dragon 🐲 with our special selection of Chinese New Year Rice Cakes, each with its own unique blessing for prosperity, health, and happiness.

  1. Chinese Radish Pudding 如意吉祥蘿蔔糕 $20.98 – A savory start to ensure all your wishes come true.
  2. Chinese New Year Cake 恭喜發財賀年糕 $19.98 – Sweeten the year ahead with this sticky symbol of rising fortune.
  3. Taro Root Pudding 五福臨門芋頭糕 $20.98 – Invite the five blessings into your home with every bite.
  4. Black Sesame Pudding 家肥屋潤芝麻糕 $19.98 – A dessert as rich in flavor as the prosperity it represents.
  5. Water Chestnut Pudding 心想事成馬蹄糕 $19.98 – A crisp and refreshing treat to fulfill your heart’s desires.

Pre-order now and ensure your table is complete with these essential treats.

*Online order is unavailable! If you want to order New Year cakes or Pot of Fortune, please call directly to our restaurant. Thank you for your understanding and support!*

Kirin Restaurant (Downtown) – 1172 Alberni Street Vancouver, B.C. (604)682-8833

Kirin Restaurant (Richmond) – 7900 Westminster Highway Richmond, B.C. (604)303-8833

Kirin Restaurant (Starlight) – 350 Gifford Street New Westminster B.C. (604)528-8833

🎉 迎春接福,傳統美味共慶農曆新年! 🧧


  1. 如意吉祥蘿蔔糕 $20.98 – 開啟美好年華,願您所願皆成真。
  2. 恭喜發財賀年糕 $19.98 – 黏糯甜蜜,象徵財源廣進。
  3. 五福臨門芋頭糕 $19.98 – 五福臨門,幸福滿屋。
  4. 家肥屋潤芝麻糕 $19.98 – 香濃滋味,象徵家庭富裕且興旺。
  5. 心想事成馬蹄糕 $19.98 – 清新爽口,助您心想事成。



麒麟川菜館 -溫市中心 – 1172 Alberni Street Vancouver, B.C. (604)682-8833

麒麟海鮮酒家 – 列治文 – 7900 Westminster Highway Richmond, B.C. (604)303-8833

麒麟海鮮酒家 – 星光 – 350 Gifford Street New Westminster B.C. (604)528-8833

🐲 Chinese New Year 2024 Special Menu

Ring in the Year of the Dragon with a sumptuous feast at Kirin Restaurant! Our Chinese New Year 2024 Special Menu and Pot of Fortune are meticulously crafted to bring you and your loved ones prosperity, health, and happiness.

🧧 Indulge in the Finest with our Festive Menu

🏮 Pot of Fortune

🍽️ Dine with Us

Let Kirin Restaurant be the cornerstone of your festivities this Chinese New Year. Come for the food, stay for the fortune. May every dish be a prelude to a year filled with joy, health, and prosperity.

Celebrate the new beginnings and the timeless traditions with us. From our family to yours, we wish you a delightful Lunar New Year!

🐲 2024龍年春節特色菜單與聚寶盆


🧧 春節特色菜單

  • 迎龍年,麒麟酒家隆重推出春節特色菜單!
  • 我們的廚藝大師精心烹調各式美饌,為您帶來既富貴吉祥又美味無比的餐飲體驗。

🏮 金裝聚寶盆菜

  • 以我們的聚寶盆菜開啟您的富貴之年,珍貴食材如鮑魚、海參、大蝦等薈萃一堂,預示來年財源廣進。
  • 傳統的聚寶盆菜不容錯過 — 一盆滿載的美味象徵著團圓和和諧。
  • 聚寶盆菜集吉祥如意之意,為您的新年開啟美好的序章。。

🍽️ 與我們共進晚餐

  • 誠摯邀請光臨我們的餐廳,讓您沉浸在節慶的盛裝氣氛中。
  • 我們的主廚傾心打造的菜單,不僅是味蕾的盛宴,也是財富新年的先聲。

